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#1 Grabber5.0 Factory seat belt anchor positions  
I bought these anchor plates from the place I got my seatbelts from, and thought I would post a couple of pics showing them, and the drastic difference between the factory shoulder belt anchor positions between the early and late cars. The early position I find very uncomfortable, especially with not being tall and having the seat more forward. Note that the later position is about as far forward of the B pillar as the older position is behind it.

I need to trim the bracket a bit to clear the brace and the holes for the headliner, and cut/drill the hole in the panel so I can raise it up slightly before I weld it in. The nut is welded to the back of this piece, which is pretty thick itself.

Message created at 01/30/13 03:16 AM
#2 comrick317 Re:Factory seat belt anchor positions  
Nice to be able to weld your own stuff eh Matt.
Message created at 01/30/13 06:11 PM
#3 Grabber5.0 Re: Factory seat belt anchor positions  
I hope I can still remember how... :)
Message created at 01/30/13 10:11 PM
#4 Grabber5.0 Re: Factory seat belt anchor positions  
Hey Craig - I know you are out there.. :D Do you have any late year Mavericks out there with no headliner in them that you can take a pic of this part of the car? I'm just curious what it looks like behind the headliner.
Message created at 02/07/13 03:59 PM
#5 Craig Selvey Re: Factory seat belt anchor positions  
Of course I am here!! :D

I don't have any cars like that around right now. Basically looks like what you have now with your current bolt hole/threads....just in a different spot. I am sure it is backed up with a thicker piece of metal from the factory, but I have never cut one out to see what it looks like.
Message created at 02/07/13 04:43 PM
#6 Grabber5.0 Re:Factory seat belt anchor positions  
Thanks Craig.
Message created at 02/07/13 05:43 PM
#7 Fro Re:Factory seat belt anchor positions  
What year are you looking for Matt? I cut some out of a 75 recently for Allan.
Message created at 02/07/13 07:59 PM
#8 Grabber5.0 Re:Factory seat belt anchor positions  
You cut seatbelt shoulder belt anchors out? Anything from 74 and up should be the same I would think, but I don't recall what year they added retractable belts. I'm assuming that was when they moved them.
Message created at 02/07/13 09:07 PM
#9 Craig Selvey Re:Factory seat belt anchor positions  
1974 seems to be the "magical" year when seat belts went from a seperate shoulder belt to th 3-point belt system. I say "magical" because I have found (3) different belt systems used in a Maverick in 1974.
Message created at 02/08/13 06:38 AM